... 98, 99, 100!

Today, I completed my 36500th push-up. I started last year this time, my goal is to do 100 push-ups everyday.

Better Do It in the Morning

In the beginning, I did it during night. Two problems. One is that sometimes I was very sleepy, didn't feel like doing it at all. The other is that even I managed to do a hundred, I got very excited yet tired, made it extremely hard to get to sleep, especially that I'm a sort of very sensitive and can't fall asleep easily.

So I moved this schedule to mornings. The first thing I would do after getting up is doing push-ups. It acutally feels good since I achieve at least one thing in the beginning of the day. The most important part is it feels super great after completion. Now that we are trapped at home due to COVID-19, exercising will be helpful.



Let's Goooo!