I'm playing with iOS using Swift recently. Swift is quite similar to Python that I already know. After reading the syntax briefly, I started writing some code to create classes.


class Vehicle {
  var maker: String
  init (maker: String) {
    self.maker = maker

class Truck: Vehicle {
  var wheels: Int
  init (maker: String, wheels: Int) {
    super.init(maker: maker)
    self.wheels = wheels


Then I got

Property 'self.wheels' not initialized at super.init call


This is really confusing, the message makes me think that I should add a wheels property in the super class (Vehicle), which doesn't make sense, right? What if I'm adding a Boat, which doesn't have wheels.

After reading through the documents, the solution turned out to be relatively simple, you make the super.init after all the initialization of properties in the child class. Therefore instead of above definition, use this:

class Truck: Vehicle {
  var wheels: Int
  init (maker: String, wheels: Int) {
    self.wheels = wheels
    super.init(maker: maker)  // move after wheels is initialized