Edit: In Tmux I can hold Shift to select.


Setting Termnial is HARD

I've been working in the office for about 3 weeks now. In the office I use the workstation assigned but mostly I work on another cloud machine via SSH.

The native terminal of the Linux system I'm using have a couple problems:

  1. Copy-Paste: Ctrl+Shift+c/v (Cmd + c/v on Mac)
  2. Tmux copy doesn't work when holding Alt and select, instead, it means moving the window in Linux (Works fine on Mac)

I can get used to 1., but I didn't find a good way for 2. I want to have something like copy selected texts, but the native terminal doesn't support it. I also don't want to install another terminals (recommendations?).

Use Chrome Secure Shell

So I started using the Chrome extension, where I can select the text and it will be copied.

Default color is ugly AF

Yes, it's very ugly in the beginning.

So I curated the colorscheme from Atom One Dark Theme (The repo for Secure Shell is here).

Automation as always

Then I wanted to add another colorscheme when work during the day (I use light colorscheme during daytime and dark ones for nighttime).

Apparently manual work is so tedious that I don't want to curate the themes again. I tried to look for themes online and as expected, not many people care about Chrome Secure Shell. :(

I did find Solarize themes, however, I was never a fan of this one, actually I hate it.

What if... I "Steal" It from iTerm2?

Hey, wait a sec, on the Mac I use iTerm2, which does have many colorschemes, can I derive my themes from there? So I took a quick look at iterm colorscheme files, they are basically .xml files. I also found useful script in the tools/ directory


Yes this is the new repo I created.

  1. Download the colorscheme to a directory, e.g., ~/Downloads/foo.colorscheme
  2. git clone https://github.com/junhan-z/iterm2chromessh.git
  3. cd iterm2chromessh; python3 iterm2chromessh.py $HOME/Downloads/foo.colorscheme
  4. Copy the printed palette and paste into your Chrome Secure Shell

Going forward, I'm going to support:

  1. Read from the iTerm colorscheme URL and convert to shell palette directly
  2. (optional) modify the config file of Chrome Secure Shell directly
