A quick and simple note to help you fix the powerline fonts in your Visual Studio Code.

The Problem

You probably have the terminal opened (shortcut ctrl+`) with broken fonts (a couple ugly squares) :


The Fix

  1. First of all make sure you have the right font installed. You can download from Nerd Fonts. The one I used is CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font. Then install the font in your PC.
  2. Open your VS Code, use ctrl+shift+p to open the quick search, then type "settings.json", use the one named as "Preference: Open Settings(JSON)"


  1. Add one line of settings in the opened JSON file, to match the font you installed. For my case it is
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font",
  1. Now your VS Code terminal should be fixed:
