In my last post I created a side column to display a table of contents, which appears as pinned on the right side when browse on big monitors and will layout as a stack on mobile devices, I was satisfied.


Today I noticed that this new layout breaks my link animation. Annoyingly, becase I restricted the table of contents size, causing a long link to wrap across many lines but the animation only shows at the last line:



Now I've learned a bit CSS so I took a look at the part that I referenced from somewhere online:

  &:after {
    // line styles
    border-radius: 0.2em;
    border-top: 0.15em solid $link-anime-color;
    bottom: 0.1em;

    // line position
    position: absolute;
    right: 100%;
    left: 0;

    // no content, of course, no need
    content: "";

    // how do changed attributes apply
    transition: right 5s cubic-bezier(0,.5,0,1);

  &:hover:after {
    right: 0;

In a short: &:after appends contents to applied elements, in my case, it appends a line.

right and left defines positions of the left and right points of the line. Therefore the line's left part is at the row's leftside (0% to left side), but at the same time, right part is also at the left side of the row(100% to right side), making it "invisible". Think about this, what does left: 50%; right: 50%; mean (I will explain next)?

Then &:hover:after defines what to append after a hovered link. Since now the right becomes "0", meaning it will expand to the rightmost side of the row. Given the transition defined above, it will expand in exactly 5 seconds, following the cubic-bezier function defined manner.

With above said, what does left: 50%; right: 50% present? Well, it presents an "invisible" line in the middle, then if you change the transition for left and hover behaivor to following:

  transition: right 5s cubic-bezier(0,.5,0,1), left 5s cubic-bezier(0,.5,0,1);

  &:hover:after {
    left: 0;
    right: 0;

It will expand from center to both sides! The expanding behavior is determined by the transition, in this case they are at the same speed and manner. expand-from-middle

Still, it doesn't solve my problem, but hope with this example you get the idea.

::after is NOT What I Need

This animation actually works fine for short links that occupies only one line. It could work for multiple lines but I guess the solution will be very complex, with calculation involved to determine the right start point and expanding length, which I also don't have enough knowledge and understanding to implement. Also to be honest I don't like this way of "appending" things. It feels redundant and I want something that defines the link itself.

I spent some time wandering on CSS styling and annimation documents. What I understood deeper is that link can have background-image and use background-size and background-position to determine the size and position. In my case it will be a line and with this background prefixed attribute, the image covers all the text of the link, so at least I don't need to calculate the length, and once the position is determined, I don't need to worry about it either.

Therefore, the only thing I need to change is the size. The new snippet is as following:

.ClassFoo {
  a {
    --lineHeight: 1.4em;
    --lineColor: #{$link-anime-color}; // Have to interpret as a string value first
    color: var(--color-link-primary);
    transition: all 5s cubic-bezier(0,.5,0,1);
    display: inline;
    text-decoration: none;
    padding-bottom: 0.1em;
    background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--lineColor), var(--lineColor));
    background-size: 0px var(--lineHeight);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: left 85%;

      background-size: 100% var(--lineHeight);

The idea is simple as explained above: make the background a line and expand to 100% when hover on it.

I also learned how to use a variable with double hyphen and transition: all to include all potential attributes I want to change. Also I made it higher to appear like a "progress bar", indicating my theme - "a process".

Now it looks like this:



I love it.